Healthy Cat Detective

Are you a cat guardian? You do want a healthy and happy cat, right? Let me show you how to raise a healthy and happy cat.

Are you a cat lover? Do you have one cat – two, three, four, five…. – wait, maybe you are even a little cat crazy…. Emoji

Well then, you have come to the right place here at the Healthy Cat Detective.


Kati the Healthy Cat Detective

Hello and welcome everybody. My name is Julietta or as my dad calls me, Kati. I live with my mom and dad in Miami. You can read my story here. Together we will guide you on a journey to make every cat healthy and happy.

I am a very inquisitive cat and want to know everything, and I mean everything – even if it gets me into trouble Emoji

So my mom decided I will be the Cat Detective, just like one of my favorite cat detectives Koko and Yum Yum, by Lilian Jackson Braun.

Although there are no murders to solve, there are plenty of mysteries that get my attention:


First we need to talk about what a cat, being a carnivore, normally eats and then we will go over the different cat foods you can find in the store or make yourself. We will look at the best cat food brands, organic cat food brands, and more. For more information read here.

Now, I have to admit something – I am a very picky and finicky eater. Sometimes I drive mom crazy. She wants me to have the healthiest food without nasty chemicals and dangerous ingredients, so I grow up healthy and stay healthy. I just have a hard time with stuff that does taste different. But you will find out more in our healthy cat food pages.


A very important subject for any finicky cat. There are so many cat litters out there that it is difficult to choose. You can have clay or silicone litters, pine litter, even recycled newspaper. There are flushable cat litters out there, which with the pipes in this country I would not really recommend. You can get fragrance free cat litters, or the ones that have baking soda added. So, let’s read the pros and cons of the different cat litters here.


That is a very difficult question, because every cat has their own preference. There is a variety of cat toys available in-store and online. A safe bet is getting your feline friend a few different balls and some wands with feathers, or crinkly balls – that triggers her hunting experience. We will discuss different toys one by one in our Cat Toy Section here.

Let’s say there is a new cat toy and you are thinking on buying it, we can give you our honest opinion, because – maybe you guessed it – I already have the toy, or a friend of mine got it. But most likely dad found the cat toy for me. Dad really really spoils me. He brings me cat toys every week. As much as I love new things, my favorites are simple homemade toys like a stick with some yarn on it. But we will talk about that later.


Once you get a little kitten or adult cat, there are some accessories that are a must have. You are going to need a cat food bowl, a water bowl, a collar, an ID tag, a brush and many more things to make your feline friend healthy and ultimately happy. Read more about those important accessories here.

…. and many many many more questions.

So, I think I will be a very busy Cat Detective. Don’t you agree?


  • Which kind of cat should I get?

Here my heart is talking. Every cat needs a home and lots of love. Be it a domestic house cat or a fancy breed. It should not matter at all. There are so many beautiful lonely cats waiting in shelters for their forever home. Please, choose a cat from a shelter near you. I know, many of you want a little kitten, but there are so many sweet older cats out there. For me there is no reason to pass an older cat by.

And then there are my favorite furry friends – the special needs cats. So many of them are put to sleep because nobody wants them. I cannot understand why. For a cat being blind, deaf or missing a leg or tail is not a handicap. We can live quite normal lives without any problems. I am not a special needs cat, although I have an amputated tail having been thrown in the street and run over by a car. I can climb and jump just like any other cat that has it’s long tail. Cats adapt very easily. So please, think about adopting from a shelter and maybe a special needs cat. I would give you a big miau and rub.

Just search here on the left side for a new furry friend at the search feature, and I know you will be rewarded with unconditional love.


Ask Julietta a Question

We also have a new page for you to ask questions and I will answer them for you. Are you wondering why your cat does certain things, why she is up all night, why she does not eat what you got for her, etc. Here you will get the answer. So ask your questions and look forward to the answer. This page is going to be interesting, informative and fun.

So click here to ask Julietta, me Emoji, a question.



Besides answers to many important questions you will also find many reviews of cat products. Mom will explain the product to you and I will tell you what I think about it.

  • The Pioneer Pet Water Fountain here
  • My favorite cat teaser toys here.
  • Toy balls for your cat here.
  • Petlinks™ Pure Commotion™ Electronic Cat Toy here.
  • Cat Treat Dispensers and slow feeding bowl here.


How to… Section:

I love this section, because mom and dad will show you how to build some toys for me. For me, homemade toys are so much more fun than store bought ones (psst… don’t tell mom and dad, ok?). Yes, there are some fancy ones that have batteries and move around, but what can beat a ball of yarn attached to a pullover mom is knitting Emoji Check it out here.

So, below is an example of a how to…. we will show you to make yourself for your furry friend.

Cat Box Homemade by healtycatdetective.comHow to build your own cat box. This definitely is my favorite because mom and dad made me a beautiful box to hide in. I want to mention that not every cat loves a box. My cousin for example does not like boxes at all. She looks at them and walks away. So this might not be for you, but if you like boxes, you like this one too.


But this is not all you will find in our How to… section. For example we will discuss solutions to common problems like how to keep flees away from your pet the natural way, or how to keep ants out of your cats food. Check out the article about the ants here.



Sleeping Kati at Healthy Cat DetectiveMom is also starting to write a blog for us, so you have something interesting to read with your morning coffee Emoji So go here to see the latest news.

As you can see, we are still in the beginning stages, so stay with us. Mom is working very hard to add lots of information to our Healthy Cat Detective site.



Yes, we will send out one newsletter a week to our subscribers. In this newsletter you will find a summary of our latest posts and pages, as well as important announcements and events. So please, in order to receive the latest news subscribe to our newsletter. Thank you and a big paw up!


Leave Comments in blog posts or send email

I would really like to get to know you better and if you have any questions, just add a comment on our blog or send us an email to (that is mom, because I cannot have an email account they tell me – Reason: I am a cat).

I personally promise to answer the comment/email as soon as I have eaten, groomed my beautiful fur coat and took my hour long nap. Oh, and forgot the most important appointment – my spa date with dad. He is an expert in massage and fur brushing Emoji – he comes highly recommended by me!

A Happy Miau to you and have a nice and sleepy day!


PS: All my pictures are copyrighted, so please, if you would like to use one, ask before posting. OK?

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