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Cat in front of tv by healthycatdetective.com

Well hello my dear cat guardians and my fellow cats!

My name is Julietta, aka Kati, aka Princess and today I want to tell you my story.

The first memory I have is a very dramatic one. There were 5 boys that were very mean to me. They used me as a football, throwing me across the street to each other until one did not catch me and I flew into the street. There a big car came and ran over my little tail. It hurt so bad and all I wanted was someone thatCat and bag byhealthycatdetective.com held me and loved me.

Then suddenly a little boy ran out of the school yard and picked me up off the street. He cuddled me and held me tight until his mom came. She took me immediately to the vet where I lost 3/4 of my beautiful tail. They told the vet what happened and he said that that is nothing unusual because  on top of being a little kitten I am also black. And nobody wants black cats. Even in shelters black kitties don’t get adopted. I cannot imagine why, I am so cute and lovable. Oh well……. If you come across a black kitty that needs a home, please don’t ignore her, she needs as much love as a different colored cat.

Anyways, the nice boy and his mom took me home where I lived with two dogs and two boys for a while. It was nice, I slept with the little boys mom and got lots of food to eat and the boys played with me every day.

Cat in bed by healthycatdetective.comThen one day lots of boxes came into the house and everything got put into them. There was so much commotion in the house. I was hiding a lot of times because I was scared.

And one afternoon this nice lady came. She was very gentle to not scare me, picked me up and cuddled me. She talked very calm and quiet, then the little boys mom said goodMom Karin at healthycatdetective.com bye and the nice lady put me in a carrier. I was not sure what was happening, but she took me for a car ride. When the carrier opened I was in a new house. There was a cat bed and new food dishes and my new mom put my litter box in a nice quiet spot in her bathroom. She had already funny toys for me to play and….. there was a big cage with two parakeets. And they were not afraid of me. It was a very quiet house. I played with my mom and slept on the couch next to her all afternoon.

In the evening dad came home and mom told him that the family I was living with had to move and could notCat on a chair by healthycatdetective.com take myself and the two dogs. So they were looking for a home for us all. This way I got my new parents.

Dad with Kati at healthycatdetective.comAnd I think I got a wonderful mom and dad. Dad spoils me so much. He constantly buys me new cat toys and brings me new cat food to try. He takes me out on a leash so I can hunt lizzies – I love that Emoji

Mom already had cats before me and knows what I like and don’t like. Unless she is away, she always makes sure that my cat water fountain is clean and I have food to eat and a clean litter box. If she is away, my dad takes care of me.

Mom and dad made me toys and created so many nice sleeping places and dad bought me 4 cat trees. FOUR!!!! I am the happiest cat Emoji

Cat on black chair by healthycatdetective.comNow mom is away to be with her family and I miss her. But dad is there for me and brushes me, gives me a daily massage and takes me outside.

I am so very happy and I hope you will follow us for many years.

Miau and hope to see you around

PS: I might write some more later, but now I need my cat nap and then some food Emoji

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