Review of Cat Treat Dispensers

Does your cat love treats? Does your cat love toys? If yes, a cat dispenser might be a great choice.

Kati playing with Snowman Treat Dispenser by

Hello my dear fellow furry friends and two legged guardians!

Today I want to review cat treat dispensers.

Yes, it is me again and I am introducing you to some cat treat toys. I am talking about those dispensers you have to push over or around in order to get some treats out.

There are many different versions, some you can easily fill and some that are difficult to fill and difficult to clean. If they cannot be opened I do not really recommend them.

For example this ball:

Ball Treat Dispenser by healthycatdetective.comIt is a very pretty ball and very interesting to watch the treats go down. But it is very difficult to fill – you have to stuff the treats through this little hole – and impossible to clean – you cannot unscrew it to clean. So I played a little bit with it, but got bored pretty quick.







Next we have this little snowman from Temptations:

Snowman Treat Dispenser by

I like this little guy. You can unscrew his belly and fill the treats into it and it is weighted down, so when you push him over, he gets back up. Also you can clean him easily and that makes for a healthier toy/eating vessel.








The same is with this egg shaped treat dispenser:

Egg Treat Dispenser by healthycatdetective.comThis Tipsy Treat dispenser is kind of like the snowman. Easy to fill and clean and it is weighted down, so it stands up after you push it. It turns and treats – hopefully fall out.






Now we have the Friskies Treat dispenser:

Friskies Treat Dispenser by healthycatdetective.comThis is kind of a unique toy. You cannot only fill in some hard treats, but also those little ropes that come like Twizzlers for people. You tear two off and stick them inside. It is also weighted down, so when you pull on the ropes and let go, it stands back up. It is also easy to clean, you just unscrew it and wash the two halves.






The last one I have is this slow feeding bowl or treat dispenser:

Ceramic Food or Treat Dispenser by healthycatdetective.comThis one is not really a toy. It is made of ceramic with a rubber base and you fill in the treats or food. I guess it’s main purpose is to prevent cats from eating to fast. They have to pick out their food through the holes. Now I do not have that problem, because I usually just ick on my food. I eat a couple pieces and then I go and play or nap. Later on I come back and repeat. So mom uses it as a treat dispenser. And I like it. I can get my paw inside and pick out the treats whenever I want. The rubber base comes off, so it is easy to clean.



I have shown you all the treat dispensers I have right now – I am sure more will be added – but my favorite is the ceramic feeding bowl. I do kind of like the little snowman, and I played with it for a while. But the others are boring. I do not care to chase anything around in the hope that I get some treats out of it. And mom does not leave those dispensers out, because we live on the first floor and ants are getting in when they smell food. So the only one out is the slow feeding bowl – and that is on the shelf or table.

I hope this helped a little clear up some questions about treat dispensers and if you have more questions, just Ask Julietta on her page.

Now I am going to take a long nap – I have been writing a lot today. So a big Miau to everybody and hope to see you soon.

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