Ants in Food Dish – Again – Trying new Food Bowl Setup

Do you have problems with ants eating your cat’s food? I can’t seem to get rid of them. Now trying new Food Bowl Setup…

Food Tray against ants from

My dear fellow 4 legged friends and guardians,

Let me just say – I do NOT want ants in my food. I know mom is very hard working on a solution to keep those pesky critters out of my food dish.

But let me rewind a bit.

Mom got the bowl in bowl system pretty good under control in my regular food dish space. But I have another place in the hallway where there is more food in a dish on a metal stand. So far everything was fine. But suddenly a week ago mom came out of the room and saw my hallway food dish overflowing with ants. They must have come from outside through the walls near the bathroom and gotten into the hallway.

She packed the whole thing up and through the food plus ants out, washed the dish and stand and vacuumed the whole house to prevent any ants from finding anything. Then she went on the hunt for entry points and found a crack in the door jam of the bathroom, where the ants were coming out. So she put ant traps down and also some ant poison gel with a barrier for me, so I could not get to it.

Finally after two days the monsters were gone. Dad went around the outside of theWater filled tray to repell ants from apartment and sprayed the perimeter with, I hate to say it, insect poison.

To prevent the ants getting into my regular food bowl, mom took care of them by putting dishwashing liquid on the floor around the carpet were my food bowls are sitting on. She also put a drop of dishwashing liquid in the bottom bowl filled with water, where my food dish is sitting in. But I am not too crazy about it, because I can smell the dishwashing liquid when I eat my food. And that makes me loose my appetite.

So the last few days mom was trying to get to me to eat any which way she could. She even put my regular food in little piles on my cat tree instead of treats. And yes, I eat that…

Yesterday she was searching again for something that would work fighting off the ants and came across a tray that is set up with a column in another tray filled with water. Basically the same strategy she is using with my two food bowls. But that tray is quite expensive and there is no guarantee that I am going to eat from it.

So mom got a plastic container she had and used it as the base. She took two cottage food dishes on water filled tray to repell ants from healthycatdetective.comcheese plastic cups and put them upside down into the tray. Then she took a piece of cardboard and glued a silicone cutting board on top and attached the two plastic cups on the bottom. She glued two velcro pieces on the bottom of the cups and the inside of the tray and filled the whole thing with water. She placed it on my eating mat and put the food dishes on top.

Well – it scared me half to death. This is one strange looking thing and I do not want to go near it. Sorry mom, I know you worked very hard on it, but that thing is scary looking. So now we are back to my food bowl in a bowl filled with water – oh well…..

But mom said she is going to try another version with a clear tray and top, so it is not so scary for me. I will definitely try, but no guarantees… I will keep you all updated on the progress.

If you have problems with ants, tell me your stories…. I would love to hear them

Now have a good Sunday and a big Miau and Purrrrrr to everyone

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Keeping Hours like a Cat

Do you keep hours like your cat? Are you up at night roaming around? Do you wake up early? What do you do to keep yourself busy in the early morning hours?Cat Sleeping in Cat Tent by 3

Good morning my dear 2 and 4 legged readers,

As you can see, I am still needing my beauty sleep. Why? you might ask. Well, mom is still not adjusted to US time. She has jetlag pretty bad.

So the last days she was up anywhere from 4am to 5:30 am. Today now dad had to go to work early. So mom woke him up at 5:30. She was already wide awake and chipper. Buhhhhh. I was still sleepy.

I know, I should be the one who keeps those early hours, just like a real cat that is awake during the night. That plays with anything that makes noise – paper bags, crinkle tunnels, balls, twisty ties – yes, they are my favorites Emoji

But mom beats me right now. I was still sound asleep when she came into the room. SheCat slowly waking up in Cat Tent by then made dad some coffee and decided to clean my water fountain. Oh yeah, I really like that because I drink lots of water and prefer clean drinking water. Mom never leaves the water longer than 3 days in the fountain and then it gets a thorough cleaning.

Today she took lots of pictures to show you how to really get that fountain clean. She takes it all apart, cleans it and puts it back together. That is very important, because that keeps the parts very clean and that in combination with filtered water gives me delicious fresh water to drink.

Now I know not everyone of you my furry friends have the luxury of drinking water from a pet fountain, but hopefully after your parent reads this post and the review on this page, they might consider buying you a pet fountain.

Kati drinking from Pioneer Pet Fountain by healthycatdetective.comI used to have only a bowl with water and that got changed once or twice a day. I never really was that excited about that bowl. But after my preference of dry kibble, yes I know, not good for me, mom and dad decided to buy a pet fountain for me. They searched and got a stainless steel Pioneer Drinking Fountain.

When they got the box, unpacked it, filled it and put it in a nice accessible area, I was immediately drawn to it. Now don’t get me wrong, I know some of you might be hesitant to go there, but let me tell you, it is no big deal and you will find that the running water is delicious.

Now, have your mom or dad check out the review and cleaning instructions on here. There is also a review on my moms Almost Paleo blog here

So, by now I am pretty much awake and after a long playing session with mom I am a little hungry. When mom and dad went to theCat awake in Cat Tent by store yesterday they got me some kind of saucy treat with tuna and shrimp flakes in lots and lots of Delectable Stew by healthycatdetective.comsauce. Well, it is not as healthy as mom would like, but once in a while I get something as a treat. And that one I am crazy about. Mom gave me a little bit yesterday and I immediately finished it. And then today after cleaning my fountain she put some more in, she had to take it out of the refrigerator first and let it warm, and I gobbled it up. It was just too delicious.

So, are your parents keeping hours like you, or do they like to sleep in the morning.

I love to hear your thoughts, so get your paws on the keyboard and write me a message Emoji

So have a great and cozy day and big miau to all of you!

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