Talking Cat

Does your cat talk with you? Do you talk back? You are not alone!

Kati ouside in the backyard by

Hello everybody!

Hope everybody is well. As always mom is lending me her helping paw to write to you.

What I want to talk to you about today is something I think every cat owner knows about – the talking cat! This applies only to conversations with humans. We cats do not talk to other cats, but humans need us to say something, so they can understand us.

Yes, I am talking with mom and dad. Especially, if I want something. Let me give you an example.

I love to go out and dad or mom do take me out in the evening, and sometimes dad takes me out in the morning.

But outside of those times I frequently see something outside, like another cat, or a lizzyKati looking for lizards on the tree by and then I really want to go out. Now mom and dad do not know what I see, so I start crying and miauing and running from window to window until they get the point. And I do not stop miauing until one of them gets up and takes me out.

This morning mom was working, but there was a cat outside in the yard and I needed to get out to claim my territory. So I miaued until mom couldn’t take it anymore – sorry mom – and took me out. Well, by then the other cat was gone, but it was still fun to be outside in the fresh air.

Now another time I talk very loud is, when mom has my food ready and I urge her on to put it down, so I can eat it. I know, I know, very impatient. But what can I say – I am a cat, a cute one at that.

Sometimes when both are very busy I have to take on different measures, like scratching at the door very insistently, and I already took out a big chunk of rubber seal, just to get them to take me outside.

What kind of tactics do you apply to get your humans to do what you want? Let me know. I am curious to hear. Maybe I can learn something new.

I wish you and your humans a wonderful weekend.

A big miau to all!

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