Warm Welcome to the Healthy Cat Detective Blog

Kati at healthycatdetective.com

Well, hello! Thank you for visiting the Healthy Cat Detective Blog!

I am so glad you made it. As I promised, my mom is really working hard to get you lots of important information on raising a healthy and very happy cat. We have some basic pages on cat food, cat litter, cat trees, cat toys and so forth already up on the site.

Mom is working on going into detail about the different cat food brands, what kind of cat litter would be for you, which cat toys are for what kind of cat personality, etc.

Adopt a Cat

We are also going to have a page on everything you need to adopt a cat. In addition we will put search forms for cat rescue sites up, so you can already look for a kitty in your area, while you are browsing our website.

I am very excited, because mom is working on a little adoption starter guide for you that you can get for free when you sign up for our newsletter. So look out for that. It is coming soon.

That adoption starter guide is written by both of us, but mainly in my voice, because adopting a kitty is the most important cause for me. There are so many kitties in shelters around the country and many of them get never adopted, being it due to age, health or color. Trust me, black cats are not bad luck. I know what I am talking about. I bring mom and dad a ton of joy every day and I know that they would never ever give me away, not for a million Emoji

Newsletter coming up

So as you can see, we are busy here. Now our newsletter will give you some news about different products we tried out – yes, dad is buying anything and everything for me to try out, so I can have a clear opinion and can give really good advise. There will also be some funny cat stories for you to read with your coffee. I am really looking forward to that.

In addition, mom is going to write this blog with updates at least twice a week, so you are always up to date on important things about cats.

Cat Health, Picture Gallery and Cat Stories coming soon

Mom is also planning some more pages, like a kitty health page, my picture gallery, oh yeah, I am looking forward to that, and maybe a kitty story page.

Now, if you like anything on our pages or on our blog, please don’t hesitate to click on the social media buttons and share that content with your friends.

Facebook and Twitter in the making

I was told that we are going to get a Facebook page and a Twitter page. Although I don’t personally know how it works, I am sure mom can figure it out Emoji

So stay tuned and I hope you are as excited as I am to get to know you better. Please comment and stay in touch.

Now, if you don’t mind, I will go and take my beauty nap.

A good miau and see you soon,

Yours truly,


The Healthy Cat Detective


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