Better understanding the behavior of our feline family member is very important.
Our friends give us clues to their likes and dislikes. But deciphering those clues is not so easy. In this chapter my little Cat Detective and I will try to help you better understand your furry companion.
Hello my two and four legged readers,
Mom used some very big words for this chapter – Decoding my cats behavior. So what does that all mean.
Let me just say, cats are very interesting creatures and we sometimes do things that are strange to our human guardians.
Take me for example: I sometimes pee over the top of my litterbox. No, I am not proud of it and I really do not do it on purpose. Nor am I sick, I am very healthy – just had my yearly wellness exam. I don’t have a problem with the litterbox or the cat litter. So what is happening? Well, I am in a hurry. Hurry for what? you might ask. Now, there are so many interesting things going on outside the window that I don’t have time to use the litterbox. And then it is urgent and I run and pee as quickly as I can and then run back to watching what is going on outside. So sometimes I kind of aim a little high and it goes over the rim of the litter box and I also forget to cover it up. Sorry mom and dad
But using the litterbox not at all might have different reasons, from a health problem to a dislike of the cat litter.
Scratching or destroying things might be displeasure with loud noises or construction going on inside the house.
Marking the territory might be an insecurity, or mating behavior.
Biting and playing rough might stem from a playful human who uses his/her hands and feet to play with a kitten. My dad used to move his feet under the covers for me to chase when I was little. So when I got older I woke him up in the morning, because he had his feet sticking out under the covers and it was too tempting for me to swat and bite him a little bit. But now he has a wand on his nightstand, so he can divert my energy away from his feet.
Nightly hunting. Oh yeah, that is me big time. Not every night, but sometimes I get the urge to make a lot of noise. I run through my cat tunnels and jump into the paper bags, bat anything I can find around the house. And that preferably when dad has to get up early in the morning. Sorry dad Maybe some ball play before sleep might help?
How about meowing? Well, I am not so much a meowing cat. I have trained my mom and dad pretty good, so they know what I want. For example, if they go to the refrigerator I come running and put my paws on the lowest shelf, so they know that I want a piece of ham. But some of my furry friends have to meow loudly in order to get what they want. Although amongst us cats, we do not use our voice.
Now when we get upset we will definitely show you. I am very seldom growling. Yes, I do. Sometimes when we go outside my dad takes his time. And then he wants his kisses – yes, that is our ritual – putting the harness on, kisses and then he opens the door and I can run. But when he takes too long I get antsy and then I might growl and very very very seldom bite a little. Sorry
So if your feline companion growls, puts his ears back and gets stiff, don’t touch him, just leave him alone. There is something disturbing him. If you are holding him and he starts showing aggression, put him slowly to the ground or a piece of furniture and leave him be. He will calm down. Just give him some time.
As you can see there are many behaviors that can be explained and we will do that one by one.
So, I am going to go and get my beauty sleep and we will talk later. Love you all.