Healthy Cat Food

Which is the best cat food?

Choosing the right cat food is not an easy task – wet food, dry food, raw food, freeze dried, home cooked, organic cat food, indoor vs. outdoor cat food, gluten free cat food. Just ask my mom and dad Emoji

Inquisitive Cat at healthycatdetective com

Hello my dear cat parents and my furry friends,

You will find a ton of products on store shelves, each promising to be healthy for us. But is that really true?

Many manufacturers believe we like flour, rice, potatoes, etc. and their favorite PEAS – EWWW. I am a cat and not a rabbit. Although I do not really know for sure that even rabbits like peas.

So what do cats eat? First and fore most we are carnivores. We eat meat. Any kind of vegetables is just topping for us.

In the wild we like to eat mice, birds, bugs (not all of them, but some tasty ones Emoji  ). Just imaging for example a field mouse. A field mouse is a herbivore that prefers to eat vegetables, seeds, fruits, anything they can find. So, what does that tell you? If I eat a mouse (sorry to all you queasy once you there) I also eat her stomach and whatever is in there.

Feeding us vegetables is not what our stomach is made for. We need meat and not just meat. We also need bones and all the organs. This is very important to know when you chose food for us.

In this section I will go over the different foods from store bought dry cat food, wet cat food, freeze dried cat in bed sleeping by healthycatdetective.comcat food to raw cat food to homemade cat food for indoor and outdoor cats. From best cat food brands to good cat food brands, organic cat food brands to suppliers for raw cat food, my favorite gluten free cat food, there is a lot to talk about.

So after my nap I will tell you more about those types of cat food.

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