Do you love lizards or iguanas?
Do you have them in your yard? Yes? Ok, I am coming over!!!
Hi my four and two legged friends,
Lizards! Oh I am addicted to them. I drive mom crazy when I bring them home with me.
Now, let me start at the beginning. When I was little and still an inside cat, once in a while a little lizard came in the door with mom or dad. Oh, what joy! Hunting, catching, playing!!! Just what a kitty heart desires!
And I got very good at it
Once I went outside I was in lizard heaven. Big ones and small ones, lizards and geckos, anything my little heart desires. Sometimes there is even an iguana. You see that beauty there? Let’s get a close up – oh yeah.
Lizards are very active in the evening, so I make sure dad or mom takes me out late. Many times I can already see them from my window and once the door opens I pounce. Then I make sure I can get back in quickly and my harness is released.
Then I play with them by chasing them, carrying them around in my mouth and watching for any movement so I can pounce. I don’t want to hurt them, just play with them. And I do not want to eat them either, they do not taste good….
But unfortunately they do not last. Some that get away from me and hide underneath the stove or in the closet have a pretty good chance being discovered by mom and taken outside. But I have to admit, most of them do not survive and that is when mom is not happy with me – when she finds the lizzy grave yard.
But I cannot help myself, I am a great hunter and that is what I do. But mom never says anything or is mad at me. Mom does not do that. She never raises her voice. I don’t do things on purpose and I don’t bite into the lizzy on purpose. I just want to hold on and carry it to a quiet place where I can play with it.
Now that iguana you see in the picture – he was a little scary, sooo big and not afraid of me at all.
So I prefer lizards, and there are plenty of them in our backyard. I go hunting every night.
Here you can see me in trying to shake the lizards out of a tree pot and out of the little tree that is growing in the yard.
But my favorite spot is in the lemongrass pots. There are always lizards to be found. I can just dive into the pots and dig for lizards. I can also hear them from all the way over at
the door. That’s where I usually sit in wait for any movement. And then I run and jump into the pot. I usually come out with a nice catch.
So my dear friends, I will now eat some treats and take a nap, so I am fresh and rested for my lizard hunting session tonight.
A happy miau to all of you and paws up!