Cat Accessories and Supplies

What supplies do I have to get for my cat?

Having a cat means getting quite a few accessories and supplies for your feline companion. Besides cat food, litter and litter boxes, cat trees and cat toys, a cat needs a food bowl, water bowl or water fountain, cat collar, combs and brushes, etc.

Kati posing in Cat Tent by

Hello and welcome back,

You have made it so far, which most likely means you really want the best for your feline companion.

Now all the previous tabs tell us what we kitties must have, like cat food, a nice litter box with some good cat litter, a scratching post or cat tree will definitely save your furniture and without cat toys we would be really bored.

But there are many things we should also have. For example a nice food bowl and water bowl. There are many different ones out there, like plastic bowls, ceramic bowls, stainless steel bowls, etc.

For me, I prefer a nice stainless steel bowl or a ceramic bowl. It is easy to keep clean and does not take on any funny odors.

Kati PLaying with Wand at healthycatdetective.comNow, my favorite food is dry food – I know, I know, not good for me, but I really really like dry food. What does that mean for me, well I need lots and lots of water. So mom and dad bought me a water fountain. And that is great.

I love the water bubbling up, so I can either drink from the top or from the ramp. Also, I drink a lot of water, so mom and dad do not have to worry about me not getting enough fluid.

Read mom’s review of the Pioneer Stainless Steel Pet Fountain here.

Another accessory would be a comb or brush. We have both. It feels so good when dad brushes me at spa time. It gets rid of access hair and when I groom myself afterwards, I do not swallow all the lose hair. Now I also like the comb. I know that those are flea combs and one time I really needed it – mom actually found a flea!!!! But even when I do not have fleas, it really massages my skin.

How about a collar as an accessory. Yes, I am for it, because I am an indoor and outdoor cat, although outdoor only with dad or mom on a leash. But I really believe that a cat that goes outside should have a collar with a name tag, which includes the name, the name of my parents and a phone number, so in case I get away when chasing something and get lost, people can contact mom to come and get me.

Now, I do have a chip, but not everybody is going to take me to a vet.Kati inquisitive at They might call, if I am lucky, but a vet visit is very unlikely.

So make sure your cat guardians buy you a collar and tag. You never know. Even in a disaster, if you have a tag and you get separated from your guardians the rescuers can search for them and reunite you with your family.

So these are a few examples of cat accessories and mom will talk about them in more depth later.

In the meantime I will eat something and take my well deserved cat nap.

A happy miau to you all!

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