Review: Petlinks™ Pure Commotion™ Electronic Cat Toy

Does your cat love to chase and hunt? Does she like toys that move?

Hier is a motion activated toy we got for Kati.

Petlinks™ Pure Commotion™ Electronic Cat Toy Review by

Hello everybody,

Today I will review: Petlinks™ Pure Commotion™ Electronic Cat Toy

My husband got this toy last week. It has 2 parts, the base and the wand. The toy needs 3 AA batteries which go into a compartment on the bottom. The lid to the compartment needs to be unscrewed with a phillips screwdriver. The wand must be screwed onto the base, which I like, because it is more securely attached.

The Petlinks™ Pure Commotion™ Electronic Cat Toy has 4 speeds from slow medium, fast to random. It does move pretty fast even in slow speed. We have the Petlinks™ Mystery Motion™ Eletronic Cat Toy, which is very similar to this one, but that has a nice slow speed.

Now, after unpacking and attaching the wad to it I put it on the floor. It is pretty light and not weighted down. So on a hardwood/tile or vinyl floor it might slide around, depending onElectronic toy attached upside down to a drawer by your cat’s play.

I read reviews and people say it breaks too fast, there areno replacement parts and it drains the batteries quickly.

We have it now for a week and it is holding up pretty well. The wand is still intact, no problems there. Also, we turn the toy off when Kati is not playing with it.

I have not seen anything that would warrant a negative review regarding the toy itself.

But Kati is not interested when you just put it on the floor. I know many cats that go jumping after toys like that and have lots of fun with it. Kati just ignored it completely.

Electronic toy attached upside down to a drawer with a laundry basket underneath by healthycatdetective.comNow, we do not give up easily. So dad put velcro on the bottom and also on the underside of one of our drawers. He attached the toy and put her basket, which was my laundry basket in front of it – and that was the key to fun play. Kati likes to hide and attack. By having something where she could go in and come out to pounce was the perfect solution.

We then tried different variations of the laundry basket – a round laundry basket, a play cube and then a tunnel and she goes crazy with it.

Next on our list will be a wooden base with a bent rod that has a holder attach the Petlinks™ Pure Commotion™ Electronic Cat Toy, so it can be hanging upside down, but anywhere in the room and not attached to a drawer. Once we have build that I will add some pictures.

Now I took videos of Kati playing with this electronic cat toy, so here it is. Enjoy!

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