Working Cats Adoption Program in Minnesota

Do you have a business that has problems with pests? Do you have a shed, garage, barn, etc. that has pest problems? Why not adopt a working cat!

Kati outside in the grass by


My dear two and four legged friends,

I hope you are all doing well. Today mom read an article from Dr. Becker that introduces a program for unadoptable cats – the “Working Cat Program”. You can read the whole article here:

So, what is this article about? Well, the Animal Humane Society in Minnesota instituted a program that places cats that do not do well as house cats, but are litter box trained, in businesses or places where they are needed as mouse, rat, etc. catchers. You give them shelter, food, medical care and they “work” for you.

Here is their website:

I think this is a wonderful idea, because it can save the cats life if they are otherwise unadoptable.

Ask in your shelter, if they have, or if they would consider a program like that and you might get an invaluable “employee”.

So, I love that idea of a working cat program. If you do too, please spread the word!

A big miau to everybody!

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